Üniversite Detayları - TED Üniversitesi - STUDY in TURKEY

 Türü : Özel Üniversite

 Şehir : Ankara

 Kuruluş Yılı : 2009

 Türkiye Sıralaması : 16

 Dünya Sıralaması : 201

 Öğrenci Sayısı : 5207

 Uluslararası Öğrenci Sayısı : 397

 Öğrencisi Bulunan Ülke Sayısı : 92

 28 Program

 0 Burslu Program

Gerekli Belgeler

  • Mavi Kart
  • Doğum Kayıt Örneği
  • Yurda Giriş/Çıkış Belgesi
  • Lise Diploması
  • Lise Not Dökümü
  • Pasaport
  • Vesikalık Fotoğraf

TED Üniversitesi

TED University was established in Ankara in 2009 by the Turkish Education Association Higher Education Foundation. Its roots trace back to the extensive educational experience of the Turkish Education Association. The university is a young, dynamic, and contemporary city university that embraces the principle of "People First" and aims to impart the knowledge, skills, and competencies required by globalization.

TED University embraces the philosophy of "liberal education" to provide students with a broad perspective. Instruction is conducted in English in all departments. With various academic units such as the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Faculty of Engineering, English Preparatory School, and Graduate Programs Institute, TED University prioritizes quality in education, making it one of Turkey's leading higher education institutions.

As its mission, TED University aims to cultivate individuals who are versatile, critical thinkers, creative, entrepreneurial, self-confident, and committed to lifelong learning through diploma programs with a balance of breadth and depth and innovative teaching methods. It also aims to contribute to science universally through research and creative efforts in priority areas. TED University, with its transparent and institutional structure, is committed to accountability and trust for all stakeholders, carrying the vision of being a continuously open and sustainable learning university.

Its vision is defined as an inspiring and original institution of higher education. It aims to provide a transformative and liberating educational experience and to produce knowledge and solutions in interaction with society and the city.

The core values of TED University include:

- Respect for ethical values

- Mutual respect, honesty, and solidarity

- Contemporary and secular institutional identity

- Excellence in education and research

- Culture of quality and assessment

- Collaboration and teamwork (national + international)

- Stakeholder participation

- TED tradition

Tam Burslu Programlar (0)
Programlar (26)
4,584 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
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2,250 USD
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1,750 USD
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1,750 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
1,750 USD
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Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
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Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
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Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
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Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
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Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
4,584 USD
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1,750 USD
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