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Halil Kaya Gedik, one of Turkey's first international welding engineers, graduated from the Istanbul Yıldız Technical School, Mechanical Technician Department in 1953. After receiving his mechanical engineering diploma in Germany, he completed the International Welding Engineering Program. He then played a pioneering role in the Turkish welding industry and established the Gedik Education Foundation, providing welding education opportunities to tens of thousands of people. To support university-industry collaboration and contribute to the training of qualified specialists, he founded Istanbul Gedik University in 2010. Halil Kaya Gedik was awarded the "Distinguished Service Medal" by the Turkish Grand National Assembly in 2007. Although he passed away on August 14, 2012, his principles and legacy continue to influence the future of Gedik Holding.
Founded on September 7, 1994, the Gedik Education Foundation aims to contribute to education and the development of welding technology in Turkey. Gedik Holding, embracing the idea that social development should be integrated with economic success, established the foundation and takes pride and excitement in its educational endeavors. The foundation has been honored with appreciation and recognition certificates from various institutions, including the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Turkey.
The foundation's activities include organizing certified welder, welding technician, and welding engineer training courses and educational seminars to meet the needs of the Turkish welding industry for qualified labor. It also conducts exams for certified welders, establishes a library and documentation center to address the needs of the welding sector, provides material testing and chemical analysis services, and offers consultancy to the Turkish welding industry through a science and technology commission comprising university faculty members and experienced industry professionals. Additionally, it provides scholarships to successful students.
Since 1994, the Gedik Education Foundation has served Turkey with its knowledge technology and resources, particularly in welding technologies and engineering. Besides its work in welding technologies and engineering, the foundation aims to expand to other areas needed by the country. The foundation is also a responsible member of the International Institute of Welding (IIW) and organizes IIW's globally recognized International Welding Engineering (IWE), International Welding Technician (IWT), and International Welding Inspection Personnel (IWIP) training programs.
Istanbul Gedik University, established by the Gedik Education, Culture, and Health Foundation, gained its legal entity status with the law published in the Official Gazette on November 24, 2016. The university, located in the heart of Istanbul, offers safe and quality living and educational opportunities to students. In collaboration with the Medicana Health Group and Fenerbahçe Sports Club, the university provides students with internship opportunities, various work prospects, and access to sports facilities.
The university comprises six faculties and the Vocational School of Health Services, offering undergraduate education in a total of 28 departments. Additionally, the Graduate Education Institute offers 10 master's and two doctoral programs. Istanbul Gedik University has strengthened its faculty, increased its English-language undergraduate programs, and offers language education opportunities, leading in scientific research.
Through various application and research centers established under the Council of Higher Education's (YÖK) UYGAR program, the university conducts international collaborations, project work, and exchange programs. Istanbul Gedik University aims to nurture individuals who are proficient in world languages, open to innovative and creative thinking, and focused on scientific development, striving to become a prestigious international university. The university is progressing towards internationalization, creating a multicultural and diverse learning environment to establish a leading position on the global stage.